Thursday 27 May - Effingham

The sun shone, the skies were blue, the AGM had gone like a dream.

26 members and 6 guests assembled  at Effingham Golf Club to enjoy the first meeting of The Priory in 2021, in fact the first meeting for quite 
some time! Our Captain George Michie was finally able to survey his troops!

Everybody was very complimentary about the course & thoroughly enjoyed their day, which is what The Priory is all about. Discussions about returning have commenced!

The winner of the Holloway Cup was Chris Bell with 37 points followed by Anant Suchak with a point less.

Team winners were Kevin Yeo, Peter Brilliant, Alistair Evans-Gordon and Trevor Petch (guest).

Nearest the pins went to Anant Suchak and Trevor Petch and Graham Kilby was Nearest the Line.

It was lovely that Chris Stephens joined us for breakfast and the AGM, and he is hoping to join us at North Hants.

See Effingham pictures here